
Who Does Not Want To Wear Like Air Lace Wig


Air Lace Wig barely has any lace visible, creates the perfect illusion of hair growing directly from your scalp. New air lace wig are skin melt, to enjoy a melted undetectable hairline, suitable for all skin tones.


Air Wigs is the pursuit of the most comfortable and natural experience. 3D dome cap has a strip of elastic, and mesh hair cap not only increases the breathability and more flexible processing, but fingers can also reach in at will to adjust the wig, more suitable for different positions of elasticity. A change of lace wigs brings baldness, hair loss, and other health problems, air Breathable Wig let your scalp breathe freely, ready to take wear, even if wearing it overnight does not affect the health of the scalp. Let your scalp breathe all night long and embrace healthy beauty.


Air wig saves time for a busy life: pre-cut lace directly saves you from wearing a wig and trimming the lace, giving you a clean hairline. this step can save you at least 20 minutes of time.


Air wig is suitable for all types of the head circumference: there is no head size due to the size of the wig can not wear the problem, air wig adjustable elastic hair band in the traditional hair band based on the optimization of the width, allowing you to flexibly adjust the length, but also more comfortable. At the same time, more stable, so you can wear a wig with more confidence.


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