
The Liberian Senate has passed a controlled drugs law.


The 'Controlled Drug and Substances Act of 2014' was signed into law by the Liberian Senate Plenary. Following hours of debate among Senators, the Senate made the decision last Thursday, November 10, 2022.

Taking the decision, the Senate divided drug crime into two categories, making it non-bailable or bailable based on the gravity of the crime.

Those involved in the importation, distribution, massive production, and custody of illicit drugs, in the wisdom of the Senate, shall not be granted the right to bail when apprehended in the act, whereas end users of the drug shall have the right to bail when apprehended in the act.

The bill was preceded by a report from the Senate Committee on Judiciary, Claim, and Petition, as well as a motion filed by Grand Bassa County Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence.

Meanwhile, President Pro Tempore Albert Chie has formed a Conference Committee to collaborate with the House of Representatives in harmonizing key components of the Act, which was previously passed by the House of Representatives and will be submitted to the Senate for concurrence.

Senators Varney G. Sherman of Grand Cape Mount County, Nyonblee Karnga Lawrence of Grand Bassa County, Augustine Chea of Sinoe County, Steve A. Zargo and Joseph K. Jallah of Lofa County have been appointed to the Conference Committee.

In other news, the Senate has taken a brief recess until November 22, 2022, in order to conduct the National Population and Housing Census, which was scheduled to begin last Friday.

The Senate made the decision to extend the census from November 11, 2022, to November 22, 2022, in order to give Senators the opportunity to return to their respective counties and be officially recorded.
